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IEEE 以太网和 IP @ 汽车技术日

2024 年 10 月 16-17 日 密歇根州底特律

Cirrus Logic 参加了 2024 年 EEE SA Ethernet & IP @ Automotive Technology Day (E&IP@ATD),汽车制造商、供应商、半导体供应商、工程师、科学家、教育工作者和媒体齐聚于此,探索汽车以太网系统的未来。我们的团队分享了开创性的想法、实施策略和应用,展示了 Cirrus Logic 技术如何推动汽车领域的创新。感谢与我们会面并探讨汽车技术未来的每一位朋友!


2024 年 11 月 12-15 日 德国慕尼黑

Cirrus Logic 很荣幸参加这场全球屈指可数的电子贸易展览和会议。我们举办了演示和私人会议,与行业领导者和合作伙伴分享了我们最新的技术创新。感谢每一位加入我们并共同探索电子未来的朋友!


2025 年 1 月 8-11 日 内华达州拉斯维加斯

Cirrus Logic attended CES, one of the world’s largest technology showcases, featuring breakthrough innovations in consumer applications across industries. We enjoyed engaging with attendees to discuss our latest advancements in high-performance audio, haptics, sensing, camera, battery, and power solutions. Thank you to everyone who stopped by to connect with us and explore the future of consumer technology!


2025 年 2 月 18-20 日 德国慕尼黑

Cirrus Logic participated in the Automotive Ethernet Congress, where industry leaders gathered to address the evolving design challenges and opportunities in modernizing automotive network architecture. We appreciated the opportunity to connect with attendees and share insights on innovative uses and implementations of Ethernet in automotive projects. Thank you to everyone who stopped by to explore new ideas with us!